SCSU Curriculum Library for Multilingual Students: A curriculum library of more than 350 teacher-modified curricula for MLs; Country Culture Cards; Instructional Videos.
English Learner Tool Kit, US Department of Education: The English Learner Tool Kit helps state and local education agencies help English Learners (ELs) fulfill their obligations to English language learners. The Toolkit has 10 chapters (one for each section of the DCL), and contains an overview, sample tools, and resources.
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) resource kit is designed to help TESOL members learn about the essential components of the ESSA, which is the reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA; formerly known as No Child Left Behind). It is important to understand that ESEA is the primary statute that funds primary and secondary education in the United States.
Florida Center for Reading Research: Includes many classroom activities developed by teachers at FCRR for use in kindergarten through fifth grade classrooms and pedagogical information for empowering teachers with the skills and knowledge for effective instruction in the classroom.
Duolingo: Language learning in multiple languages
Colorin Colorado: a bilingual site for families and educators of ELs, articles on practice and resources
Lantern Fish: Jobs, worksheets and flashcards for the ESL, EFL teacher, printable worksheets and educational resources
ESLHQ: interactive site providing free ESL flashcards, worksheets and teaching resources
Big Deal Media: clearing house for interactive web environments, free materials, and resources
Read, Think, Write: free classroom resources, lessons, and interactives sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English and the International Literacy Association
Enchanted Learning: published educational material online, “children’s educational web sites which are designed to capture the imagination while maximizing creativity, learning, and enjoyment.”
Larry Ferlazzo’s educational blog: Lists of interest to EL teachers and colleagues regarding English learners
New York Time Learning Network: Lessons plans, vocabulary, current events, photos and topics for debate. Particularly good for higher level secondary MLs but there is something for everyone.