Those eligible for membership are current district administrators of Bilingual Education, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Program Coordinators, prior administrators from such programs, district designees of Bilingual Education or ESOL Programs, Higher Education Administrators, etc.
We hold meetings four times each year.
Membership benefits include:
- Discussion of national and state issues pertinent to English Learners
- Collaboration with other professional organizations.
- Resources for district professional development.
- State updates by Connecticut State Department of Education Consultants on issues relating to English Learners.
- Networking for job placement and /or vacancies.
If you would like to become a member, please complete our membership form.
Dues for the 23-24 year remain $40. All memberships will be required to be current in order to receive the passcode to attend future CAPELL meetings and to receive CAPELL emails. We are kindly requesting that you complete your membership by October 20 (2 weeks after our first meeting) in one of two ways:
Send a check to Vita Beebe, 305 Route 6, Andover, CT 06232. CAPELL dues 23-24 shoul
d be written on the memo line. -
Send electronic payment VENMO that specifically states “CAPELL” to @vitapb **Typically, when you venmo a new person, you are asked for the last 4 digits of a phone number. The last 4 digits of Vita’s phone # are 1302. The phrase CAPELL dues 23-24 shoul
d be entered into the comment field. -
Vita will provide a receipt upon request. If you would like a receipt, please email her at