Building Background
- Discuss student experiences
- K-W-L chart
- Vocabulary development:
– 4 corners
– Verbose
– List-group-label
– Word sorts
– Word generation
– Zip-A-Round (words & defns, synonyms)
– Cognates - Theme listening
- Small group/carousel brainstorm lists
- Semantic webbing
- Realia, illustrations, maps, photos
- Quick write
- Quick draw
- Anticipation guide
- Video clips
- Make predictions/hypotheses
- Categorize/classify charts or manipulatives
- Observe, analyze and report (oral, written, pictures)
- Sequence (oral, written, pictures)/physical timeline
- Comparison charts and essays
- Create a product to apply/synthesize info
- Evaluate and justify
- Interpret visuals (timelines, flow charts, diagrams)
- Cornell note-taking
- SQP2RS – videos
- Plus-Minus-Interesting (PMI) chart
- Text to graphic and back again
- Reciprocal teaching
- Reciprical teaching – video
- Cooperative learning:
– think-pair-share
– round robin talking/writing
– mix and match
– inside-outside circle
– conga line
- Peer tutoring
- Jigsaw
- Questionnaires/interviews
- Debate
- Living diorama
- Video freeze
- Jazz chants (video)
- Jazz chants – instructions
- Poems in two voices
- Reader’s Theater
- Snowball (see page 131)
- Quiz, Quiz, Trade
Comprehensible Input, Practice & Application, or Review & Assessment
- Strip story (scroll down)
- Reading log
- Cloze exercises
- Story summary
- Foldables
- Dialogue journal
- Drama/role play/simulation
- Writing headlines
- Illustrations (google images)
- Language experience approach
- Character diaries
- Mix and match
- Outcome sentences
- Rotating review
- Send a question/problem
- Quick write/ quick draw
- Zip-A-Round
- Journal writing
- Games:
– Jeopardy
– Who Wants to Be a Millionaire
– Bingo
– Pictionary
– Password - Poster groupings:
– Carousel
– Walkers and Talkers
*Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol
Adapted from SIOP workshop by H. Becker and
- Kokoszka